Written by Jabatan Pertahanan Awam Malaysia, first aid is a preliminary aid or treatment aid given to an injured person or a sudden I’ll wait for help arriving. In terms of emergency assistance for treating wounds and bleeding, for minor wound treatment, drain the water on the wound and dry with a clean cloth. Clean the wounds around them with cotton or clean cloth moistened with water and soap or antiseptic. Wrap with a clean cloth or bandage. To control the bleeding, stop the bleeding by putting a clean cloth on the wound and press with your fingers or hands. When the bleeding stops, wrap it with a clean cloth. If there are foreign objects such as nails, glass or knives, do not press on the wound. Wrap around the object with a clean cloth and get further treatment. If the injured hand or leg increases, it exceeds the heart level to reduce the pressure. If the wound is large and bleeding a lot, get further treatment. Bleeding from the nose usually occurs when the subtle blood vessels in the nose are injured, this is caused by a slap on the nose, sneezing, nose noses and high blood pressure. Nose bleeding can be dangerous if the victim loses much blood. If the bleeding is followed by a head injury, the blood will look thin and melted. It shows a very serious sign in which the cracks of the skull and liquid leaks are around the brain. To treat nosebleeds, advise the victim to sit down and bow his head so that the blood can flow from the nose. Ask the victim to breathe through his mouth and pinch the soft part of the nose.
Read more about this article: https://lupinepublishers.com/medical-science-journal/fulltext/book-review-buku-panduan-kecemasan-pengurusan-bencana-jabatan-pertahanan-awam-malaysia.ID.000135.php
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